ТИТИ турс

GENESIS LABORATORIES is a Bulgarian producer of starter cultures for milk and meat industries. The firm was founded in 1992 by leading specialists in this field. Its head office and its scientific-production base are seated in Sofia. GENESIS cultures are certified by the Ministry of Health. They are deposited in the National Bank for microorganisms valuable for industry. The methods of their production are under patent protection and have been awarded as innovation products in innovation halls in Belgium, Germany, and Bulgaria. GENESIS cultures have established positions not only on the Bulgarian market. They are used for the production of milk and meat products in Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, Macedonia, Russia, Byeloruss, Ukraine, Syria, Spain, and Great Britain. WEBMASTER:[email protected], Bulgaria, 1000 Sofia, 23, Lavele str., ADV JOGA, Peter Petrov

Населено място


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симбиотични, мезофилни, термофилни, млечнокисели, микроорганизми, Термофилни, стрептококи, лактобацили, Мезофилни, ароматообразуващи, цитратна, ферментация, Пробиотични, Симбиотични, кефирна, микрофлора, нитратредуктазна, каталазна, активност Европа, Германия, Франция, Швейцария, Испания, Португалия, Чехия, Унгария, Полша, Холандия, Белгия,

Принадлежи към категория
·ТуризъмТуристически агенции

Сайтът ТИТИ турс е разгледан 1812 пъти 1812 пъти       Регистрирано на 29.12.2004 29.12.2004      

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